TCS 030: Angie Churchill, Head Softball Coach ~ University of Hartford

                                                            Photo credit~University of Hartford Session 30 features an interview with Angie Churchill, the new head softball coach at University of Hartford. In this particular episode,

By |2019-10-01T06:26:11-04:00December 14th, 2017|Categories: Podcast, Softball|Tags: , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Does Coaching Matter to You? An Uplifting Story on Why it Should

COACHING MATTERS July 27, 2017 Chris LeGates, TCS Co-Host This past April myself and twenty of my University of Hartford teammates from 1991 were brought back to campus to take part in a reunion of our championship-winning team of that season. It was amazing to be transported back in time and to share stories and

By |2019-10-18T10:41:02-04:00July 28th, 2017|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Does Coaching Matter to You? An Uplifting Story on Why it Should

TCS 025: Dave Latourette, Santa Rosa JUCO, Assoc. Head Coach M’s Soccer

  Session 25 features an interview with Dave Latourette, Santa Rosa Junior College Associate Head Coach, Men's Soccer.  In addition to Dave's extensive coaching background, he is also a USA Triathlon Expert/Level II Coach.  Dave also trains athletes through his company, Train to Endure.     In this particular episode, you will learn: How the

TCS 024: Skye Eddy Bruce Founder, and Former All-American Goalkeeper

  Session 024 features an interview with Skye Eddy Bruce, Founder,  Additionally, she is also a former All-American goalkeeper, professional player, and collegiate coach.  Skye also holds her USSF "B" license and USSF National Goalkeeper License. Lastly, Skye is also an active youth coach, soccer parent and coach educator.     In this particular episode, you

TCS 023: Jon Sioredas, Cal-Poly Men’s Wrestling Coach

  Session 23 features an interview with the Jon Sioredas, Cal-Poly Men's Wrestling Coach.  While Sioredas is new to the Cal-Poly, he is already having a positive impact on the program.  This is a session that all wrestlers and wrestling fans will certainly benefit from.  Lastly, as An All-American high school wrestler, Sioredas is extremely

TCS 021: Jeff Walz, Head Coach of Women’s Basketball, Louisville

At present time, Coach Walz's post-game press conference has over 18 million views!   "Don't be cute, execute"  ~ Jeff Walz Session 021 features an interview with Coach Jeff Walz, Louisville Women's Basketball Coach.  Coach Walz recently had a post-game press conference that dominated the news cycle for several days and received over 18 million

TCS 019: Chris & Mark Discuss the Recent NCAA Changes – What is the Impact on the Recruiting Process?

      Session 19 features the hosts of the Tackling College Sports Podcast, Chris LeGates and Mark Franco. Chris and Mark discuss the recent NCAA changes that go into effect in the Fall of 2106. As a result of the far-reaching changes, and before you go any further with your recruiting process, make sure

By |2019-10-06T16:55:15-04:00October 8th, 2016|Categories: Podcast|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

TCS 016: Deb Fiske, Former UConn Basketball Player, Current A.D. Kingswood Oxford School

        Session #16 features an interview with, Deb Fiske, Athletic Director, Kingswood Oxford School.  Deb also played college basketball at UConn and worked at the University of St. Joseph's in many capacities.   In this particular session, you will learn: How Deb went from high school ball in PA to the Final

TCS 015: Bobbie Kelsey, Head Women’s Basketball Coach ~ Wicsonsin

      Session 015 features an interview with Bobbie Kelsey, Head Coach, Women's Basketball ~ University of Wisconsin.   In this particular episode, you will learn How Bobbie has been handling the national attention from her post-game press conference last Monday. Bobbie also has a lot to say about her coaching style and philosophy.

TCS Exclusive Update on NCAA Men’s Soccer Split Season Initiative

    TCS Exclusive Update on NCAA Men’s Soccer Split Season Initiative January 21, 2016 By: Chris LeGates, TCS Co-host A few weeks ago in our Friday Five (F-5) newsletter that goes out to our subscribers, we featured an article about a movement to make the NCAA Division I men’s soccer season a split season,

By |2019-10-06T17:27:25-04:00January 22nd, 2016|Categories: Basketball, Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments
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